Motor Vehicle Accident Claims

Accident Claims

Queensland operates a fault based CTP claims system. If you, a loved one or a friend are involved in an accident, then there is access to compensation if you are not at fault.

However, in some cases, you may have Driver Protection Cover in your CTP policy which may entitle you to compensation even if at fault.

Accidents covered by the scheme range from those involving cars, motorbikes, pedestrians and bicycles.

There are strict time limits to bring a claim and therefore you should contact us immediately so we can give you advice about the the relevant time limits and assist with lodging a Notice of Accident Claim form on the CTP insurer of the vehicle at fault or in the case where the vehicle at fault cannot be unidentified, the Nominal Defendant.

Furthermore, there are time limits to start proceedings in court for damages arising from injuries in a motor vehicle accident and that is normally 3 years from the date of the injury. If the person injured was younger than 18 when the injury occurred then the 3 year period to start proceedings in a court starts when they turn 18.

If injured on the road while on a work related journey you may also be entitled to WorkCover benefits and you should discuss this with our principal because this will help with covering any loss of income after the accident. Continue reading for more information about this.

If you were in an accident while travelling from home to work or from work or while travelling to meetings or on another job site, where work was the significant contributing reason for your travel, then you may be entitled to WorkCover statutory benefits.

If the claim is accepted, then WorkCover will cover the cost of medical care, rehabilitation and compensate for time lost from work. Even if you were at fault for the motor vehicle accident, you are still entitled to WorkCover statutory benefits.

Our principal is happy to undertake a free* initial consult of your case and after we have identified the relevant CTP insurer assist you lodge the claim, obtain rehabilitation from the insurer and then gather all the necessary documents and information to put forward your case for compensation. Compensation includes:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Recovering past lost income and claiming an amount for future loss of income
  • Loss of superannuation benefits on lost income
  • Past and future medical expenses including rehabilitation expenses
  • Any pharmaceutical expenses including that required in the future
  • Any care and assistance that you require

Our principal will ensure your claim is investigated thoroughly and all possible claims made on your behalf.

* if you choose to retain Crash Lawyers to act on your behalf the initial consult will form part of our professional costs at the conclusion of the claim.